ESPN anchor Sam Ponder mengungkapkan bayi yang baru lahir menjalani operasi darurat

ESPN jangkar Sam Ponder dan suaminya, mantan NFL quarterback Christian Ponder, bersyukur atas pemulihan “ajaib” bayi perempuan yang baru lahir mereka setelah dia harus menjalani operasi darurat minggu lalu.

Sam Ponder mengungkapkan dalam posting Instagram pada hari Senin bahwa putri mereka, Price, dilarikan ke dalam operasi karena masalah yang dirahasiakan hanya beberapa hari setelah dia lahir.

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I often struggle with social media. How do I accurately show what my life off of TV is like without appearing to either complain when reality is hard or brag when reality is pleasant? How can I simultaneously be compassionate and relatable to the hurting, but also encouraging and hopeful to people looking for positivity? My tendency to over analyze these decisions makes this post a little scary for me. I know I risk looking like I’m asking for sympathy or even pity. I’m abundantly aware of the undeserved goodness of God I’ve experienced early in life. Especially when it comes to the health of my children and loved ones. Last week, that changed in an instant. Through a series of terrifying and sudden events, our sweet newborn baby Price ended up in emergency surgery in the middle of the night. We were short on time and frankly, in shock. Thanks to the incredible surgical team @mountsinainyc and their skill and decisiveness, our precious girl made it. They treated her like their own, and answered all our blubbering fearful questions. Her recovery in the #NICU was nothing short of miraculous for a tiny body that had just undergone such trauma. I cannot thank the women who cared for her day and night enough. We are home now, still recovering, but overwhelmed with thankfulness for a God who provided real peace and comfort in the midst of our worst nightmare, incredible surgeons, doctors and nurses, parents who didn’t hesitate to jump on a plane and help and the prayers of friends and family who believed for her healing. Oh and thank you to my sweet friend @ellieholcomb for your song “Find You Here”… it got me through hours of waiting room anxiety and fear that I didn’t think I’d be able to bear. Now, back to holding and singing (terribly) to this special girl. Thanks for loving and supporting our family in the good times and bad. ❤️

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“Melalui serangkaian kejadian menakutkan dan tiba-tiba, harga bayi baru lahir kami yang manis berakhir dalam operasi darurat di tengah malam,” tulisnya. “Kami kekurangan waktu dan terus terang, dalam keterkejutan.”

Renungkan terima kasih kepada para dokter di Mount Sinai Hospital di New York City, yang melakukan operasi. Dia tidak menyebutkan rincian operasi atau apa penyebabnya.

“Mereka memperlakukannya seperti milik mereka sendiri, dan menjawab semua pertanyaan yang menakutkan,” tulisnya. “Pemulihannya di NICU bukanlah sesuatu yang ajaib untuk tubuh mungil yang baru saja mengalami trauma semacam itu.”

ESPN anchor shares that baby underwent emergency surgery
Christian dan Sam Renungan berterima kasih atas kesembuhan putrinya yang baru lahir setelah menjalani operasi darurat. WireImage

Price adalah anak ketiga dari pasangan itu, bergabung dengan putri Scout, 4, dan putra True, 1. Sam Ponder adalah tuan rumah ESPN Minggu NFL Countdown, sementara Christian adalah mantan gelandang bintang Florida State yang bermain empat musim di NFL.

Sam bersyukur memiliki Harga kembali ke rumah setelah beberapa hari yang menakutkan.

“Saya tidak bisa berterima kasih kepada para wanita yang merawatnya cukup siang dan malam … Sekarang, kembali memegang dan bernyanyi (sangat) kepada gadis istimewa ini,” tulisnya. “Terima kasih telah mencintai dan mendukung keluarga kami di saat-saat baik dan buruk. “

Ikuti penulis, Scott Stump di Twitter.